
On 23 of January 2020 Transparency International will present the results of Corruption Perception Index for 2019.

Тhe Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is created by Transparency International, the global civic coalition against corruption, in 1995 as a complex indicator for evaluation of corruption in the public sector in the different countries worldwide.

It is based on information obtained from research of respectable international institutions and organizations. The index established at Transparency International measures the level of political and administrative corruption in a given country in the same way it is understood by the representatives of business, analysts from the world as a whole who assess the political and economic risk, including consulted experts from the states under research.

Its value ranges from 100 –indicator for a low level of corruption, to 0 –indicator for a high level of corruption. The information of the Index is submitted to TI free of charge, while within the frames if the current year research a new source has been included -Varieties of Democracy. The institutions providing information for CPI are: The World Bank, Economist Intelligence Unit, Freedom House, World Economic Forum, Institute for Management Development –Center for Global Competitiveness, Consultancy Group for Political and Economic Risk Survey, Bertelsmann Foundation, Bank of Development of Africa, Global Insight –Center for Global markets Research, Group for Political Risk Evaluation, Global Legislation project and V-Dem Institute of the University of Göteborg(whose study “Varieties of Democracy” evaluates basic principles and institutions the democratic process in the states is grounded upon).

Bulgaria has been included in the survey for the twenty-second time.

TI – Bulgaria invites the representatives of media on a press conference on 23 of January from 10:00 at press conference room in BTA.

Participation in the presentation will take Ognyan Minchev, Kalin Slavov and Vanya Nusheva.