
The team of Transparency International – Bulgaria has presented to the Regional Public Council for Prevention and Counteraction of Corruption in Silistra the results of the Local Integrity System Index for 2016.

The experts of the TI-Bulgaria have made recommendations for strengthening the inter-institutional relations between the mayor, the municipal council and the municipal administration. Another step towards enhancing integrity would be focusing on the interaction between the public authorities, a private sector, a civil society, supported by a community-recognized figure of a local ombudsman.

Extremely heated discussion has triggered the weaknesses of the local system in Silistra, pointed out by our team: insufficient development of electronic services provided by the municipal administration, low levels of accountability of the municipal council, local political forces, low levels of employee satisfaction in institutions, Non-public actors – local businesses, the media and civil society organizations.

Among the positive examples that have a role in the integrity system in the municipality of Silistra can be mentioned the practice of the Municipal Council to publish on the site information about all municipal councilors, which is a sign of openness to the citizens. At the same time, there are no channels in the Municipal Council to ensure the representativeness of all stakeholders in shaping municipal policies. Assessments of the quality of justice in the area are relatively high, and progress has been registered in the publication of procurement information.
You can see the results of Local Integrity System Index 2016 for Silistra Municipality on here.