The Corruption Perceptions Index in Bulgaria for 2016 is 41 points, thus positioning the country at 75th place in the global ranking. The index value is the same as in 2015 while due to the progress of other countries it moves backwards in the global classification from place 69 (in 2015) to place 75 in 2016. Thus the country occupies the last place in the classification of the countries-members of the European Union (for comparison, the average value of the index for EU is 65.36). Within the frames of the sub-regional classification of the countries for Southeastern Europe our country occupies an intermediate position, at that its index is lower than the average one for the Balkan region (41.91). The comparison with the common average value of the index globally (42.94) is also indicative for a substantial problem in the fight against corruption in the country.
The value of the index for Bulgaria regarding 2016 indicates not only a lack of development within a relatively long period – having in mind the other Member States of EU the index highlights a tendency for a drastic backlog.
The analysis of the results within the 19-year long period where Bulgaria is a part of the survey give ground for a critical assessment that counteraction to corruption is in a standstill condition. The comparative data for the index of Bulgaria within the last five years demonstrate a lack of any progress whatsoever: the index of Bulgaria remains far below the critical value of 50 points which is an indicator for a systematic failure to oppose corruption.
The comparative results from the research for Bulgaria underline the acute necessity for a change in the politics of counteracting corruption while in this respect the formal approach in the fight against corruption is to be discarded and a clear engagement for profound reforms in the basic institutions within this area should be expressed.
You can read more about the score of Bulgaria in the section Corruption Perception Index 2016.