At a meeting of a working group at the Ministry of Justice on November 30, 2021 Transparency International – Bulgaria presented its draft Law on the protection of whistleblowers. The working group, member of which is TI-Bulgaria aims to implement laws, regulations and administrative measures to achieve compliance with Bulgarian legislation with the Directive EU (2019/1937).
The presented draft law has been developed with a wide-range of experts, lawyers, in-house legal experts verified by a wide range of people who will be affected by the new legislative provisions.
Despite the short deadline for the members of the working group to familiarize with the draft-law of TI-Bulgaria the text received positive reviews from other members of the working group, especially people from the government administration and business representatives. Mr. Ivan Demerdzhiev, Minister of Justice give a positive feedback for the efforts of TI-Bulgaria in this direction.
The draft Law of TI-Bulgaria on the protection of whistleblowers in Bulgaria is available only in Bulgarian.