
On 12.07.2022, members of the Business Integrity Club discussed the existing deficits at the local level as obstacles in the work of the business,  the possible solutions how to overcome, as well as what procedures should be implemented for consulting the local business.

Business Integrity Club members discussed the connection between good governance and corruption practices, as well as the opportunities how to avoid these practices when there in interactions between the local business and the administration.

Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association share their view that foreign investors are choosing in which region or municipality to invest based on the best conditions that is offered to the business.

Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce made a proposal to consider, in addition to the problems with the administration, the relations of the business with the service providers related to the supply of electricity, water and natural gas, as well as how they are regulated and in what condition are the industrial zones.

All participants express their opinion that in most of the municipalities formally there is industrial zones, but in practice the access to it is difficult or impossible.

The members of the club confirmed that it is extremely necessary to create mechanisms for good business environment and promote investments through a set of measures guaranteeing transparency in their work, effective tools against corruption, conflicts of interest and corruption risk management. Business integrity standards must include policies and mechanisms that business organizations should implement to prevent and find risks in their work.

Bulgarian municipalities that operate with public resources must have ISO 37001 for good governance. As a condition of eligibility for businesses wishing to work with these municipalities should be the presence or implementation of ISO 37001, risk management systems, as well as internal procedures for reporting.

The implementation of good practices and validated business standards from the Bulgarian companies is of key importance because helps to the companies and the administration to work in environment of fair competition.