More than 90 students showed strong interest in the “Business Integrity” course which has started as part of the programs “Economics and Management of Public Funds” and “Responsible and Sustainable Management” at the Faculty of Economics of SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
The students will get to know and discuss how to use in their practice good governance tools, business integrity standards, modern anticorruption standards and anti-money laundering tools.
The “Business Integrity” course is focused on providing the students with not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills in the field of business integrity.
We have gathered around the idea that all students that intend to be part of business and those that have already started one need to know and understand business ethics and good governance standards and how they influence a company`s strategy and operation.
International practices and standards in the field of good governance, integrity and corruption risk management will be presented during the lectures.
The young people will get acquainted with whistleblowing systems. A focus on the new legislation will be placed during their training and lectures will explain in detail what are the independent channels that company employees, suppliers and other stakeholders may use to signal for fraud, corruption or misconduct related with the company or their own activities.
The course strives to change the understanding of the need for applying integrity standards and the existence of specific adapted models that are easily accessible and applicable to businesses in Bulgaria which will be possible only for well trained and prepared leaders and managers.
You will find more information about TI-Bulgaria activities on business integrity on our special website